October 14, 2023, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (US Central)
Galena Territory Household Hazardous Waste ‒ 2nd Saturday in October
9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Marina parking lot, off Territory Drive. The collection is open to all Jo Daviess County residents for household waste only, not business or farm-scale items. For more information, contact Emily Lubcke at elubcke@thegalenaterritory.com or (815) 777-2000.
HHW consists of products used around the home that contain ingredients which may harm people and the environment when stored or disposed of improperly and are usually labeled “caution” or “warning.” Typical products accepted include, but are not limited to:
Automotive: gasoline, wiper fluid, car wax, cleaners and solvents.
Cleaners: floor and furniture polish, oven cleaner, drain opener, disinfectants, rug cleaners.
Home Improvement: oil-based paint, stain, thinner, stripper, varnish, caulk, adhesives.
Pesticides / Herbicides: garden chemicals, insect repellant, mouse / rat poison, pet spray, mothballs.
Automotive: gasoline, wiper fluid, car wax, cleaners, solvents, brake fluid, body putty.
Other: pool chemicals, photo processing chemicals, artist paints, and household batteries.
NOT accepted: latex paint, motor oil, lead-acid batteries, antifreeze.