City of Galena

The individual and business tax rates currently in effect in the City of Galena are listed below.


Amusement Tax

7.25% of the gross ticket or admission price for amusements


Food and Beverage Tax

1% of the gross cost of all food and beverages prepared for immediate consumption


Hotel Tax

5% on the gross lodging charge for all overnight stays (total hotel tax is 11% total including the State of Illinois rate)


Sales Tax

2% on retail sales (total of 8.25% including 2% city, 5% state, .25% county, and 1.0% school district)


Property Tax

$1.39 per $100 of Equalized Assessed Valuation.  (Calculate your City of Galena property tax as follows: assessed value divided by three, divided by one-hundred, multiplied by $1.38)


Telecommunication Tax

6% of all gross charges by the telecommunications retailer to service addresses within the municipality for telecommunications originating or received in the city.


Utility Tax

5% on the gross proceeds of electric and natural gas sales originated or received in the municipality purchased at retail. 


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