City of Galena

Galena Begins Comprehensive Plan Process

October 8, 2024

The City of Galena is kicking off the year-long process to update its comprehensive plan. This planning process offers an opportunity for residents and the business community to express their vision for the city and identify what issues are most important.

Earlier this year, the city engaged Houseal Lavigne, a community planning firm, to lead the planning process. Galena’s comprehensive plan website, which features information about the plan, links to the online survey and tool, news and updates, various documents, ways to get involved and submit feedback, can be accessed through the homepage of the city’s website at

Last updated in 2003, the Galena Comprehensive Plan will provide recommendations for the future growth, development and sustainability of the community. The plan will address several topics, including land use and development, residential areas, commercial and industrial areas, transportation, and community facilities and public infrastructure. When completed, the comprehensive plan will be the product of the community, with a vision and recommendations guided by valuable input received from residents, business owners, community leaders, and other stakeholders.

During the next month and beyond, there are several ways in which the community can participate.


Ways to Participate


Date, Time & Location

Planning Commission Meeting The planning commission–appointed by the mayor and approved by the city council, consists of Joel Holland, chairperson; Matt Blaum, Desiree Einsweiler, Damon Heim and Steve Monahan—will meet for a presentation from the consultant and an exercise. The meeting is open to the public. 
Tuesday, Oct. 29
6-7:30 p.m.

Galena Middle School Commons, 1230 Franklin St.
Business Community Workshop Members of the business community are encouraged to attend this workshop. 
Wednesday, Oct. 30
8-9:30 a.m.

Turner Hall, 115 S. Bench St.
Community Visioning Workshop A community visioning workshop. The public is encouraged to attend.
Wednesday, Oct. 30
6-8 p.m.

Galena Middle School Commons
Online Survey If you are a resident, business owner or operator, property owner, developer, or community stakeholder of Galena, complete the online survey. The survey contains questions about important issues and opportunities facing the city that the comprehensive plan process should address.  Survey can be found here is a fun and engaging online tool where residents can map issues and opportunities within Galena. Just drop a point and enter your comment. allows thousands of points of interest to be identified, categorized, and mapped, bringing together ideas in a way never before possible. can be found here



After the public engagement period this fall, the process will move to developing key recommendations and drafting the plan over the winter. A draft of comprehensive plan elements will be presented to the community in the spring of 2025, before the draft and final plan is presented to the city council for approval in the fall of 2025.

Community members can track the process through the project website, which can be accessed from the homepage of the city’s website, Residents may also stay informed of meetings and opportunities for input by signing up for email and/or text notifications. This feature is also available on the homepage of the city’s website.



For More Information:

Mark Moran


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