City of Galena

Purpose and Responsibilities

The zoning board of appeals is that body which is charged with the responsibility of administering and interpreting the municipality’s zoning ordinance.  The following is a summary of the responsibilities the zoning board of appeals performs related to the city code:

          (1)     Initiate, hear and recommend to the city council requests for adoption or amendments to the text of this code;

          (2)     Initiate, hear and recommend to the city council requests for adoption or amendments to the official zoning maps;

          (3)     Hear and recommend to the city council all requests for planned development approval;

          (4)     Hear and decide all requests for a non-administrative Highway 20 development permit;

          (5)     Hear and decide all requests for special use permits;

          (6)     Hear and decide all requests for variances to certain provisions of this code;

          (7)    Hear and decide all appeals from actions of the Zoning Administrator.



The board consists of seven members nominated by the mayor of the city and appointed by city council. The members of the board serve for the following initial term:

               (a)     One for one year;

               (b)     One for two years;

               (c)     One for three years;

               (d)     One for four years;

               (e)     One for five years;

               (f)     One for six years;

               (g)     One for seven years.

The successor of each member so appointed serves for a term of five years. Vacancies are filled by the mayor, subject to confirmation by the city council, for the unexpired term. One of the members of the board is designated by the mayor, with the consent of the city council, as chairperson of the board and holds the office as chairperson until a successor is appointed.



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