City of Galena

Zoning Basics: Signage

There is a spirit and a quality about the city that is readily visible and best described as being mid-1800's. It is reflected in the architecture in the Historic District and it is very important that this quality be retained. Exterior signs are important tools used to effectively advertise businesses and provide direction. Signs have a clear impact on the character and quality of the city, thus the development, implementation and enforcement of effective standards is paramount. As a prominent part of the urban fabric, signs may attract or repel the viewing public, affect the safety of pedestrian and vehicular traffic, and help set the character and legibility of neighborhoods in the city. It is important that signage contribute to a district's "sense of place" and complement its surroundings, while setting a tone that is harmonious with the city's existing natural, architectural and residential/urban setting. Sign Permits are required for new signs and changes to existing signs.

Portable Signs

• Allowed in Commercial Districts within the Historic District

• Area of the sign can be six square feet or less and no taller than six feet

• “Sandwich Board” & “A-Frame” signs are typically found downtown

• No more than two per business at any time • Must be within 24 inches of the building or property line

• Must be at the business location — not off-premises

Temporary Signs

• Temporary signs may be permitted on a property up to four times per year, 14 days maximum per use for special events such as openings, sales, events, etc.

• A Temporary Sign Permit is required and is issued by the Zoning Dept. at City Hall

• A yellow sticker is issued with the permit and it must be affixed to the sign

• Area of the sign can be 32 square feet or less

• Balloons and attention getting devices are only allowed with this permit


Projecting Signs

• In appropriate districts, one Projecting Sign is allowed per street frontage per business

• 12 square feet maximum area

• Can neither project more than four feet from wall, nor can it be within two feet of the curb

• Bottom edge must clear sidewalks by at least eight feet

• Top edge may not be more than 15 feet from the ground


Wall Signs

• In appropriate districts, no more than one Wall Sign allowed per business per side

• 32 square feet maximum area; may be increased to 7.5% of façade in some cases

• Allowed on street front sides and sides perpendicular to a street

• Must be affixed flat against the wall and shall not extend further than four inches from wall

• Should be mounted at a minimum of four feet above the ground, but if it sticks-out from the wall, then it must be a minimum of eight feet above the ground if a sidewalk is present

• In appropriate districts, one Projecting Sign is allowed per street frontage per business

• 12 square feet maximum area

• Can neither project more than four feet from wall, nor can it be within two feet of the curb

• Bottom edge must clear sidewalks by at least eight feet

• Top edge may not be more than 15 feet from the ground


Window Signs

• In appropriate districts, no more than 1 permanent Window Sign allowed per window

• 20% maximum coverage of the area of the glass is allowed

• Temporary Window Signs and Permanent Window Signs total area shall not exceed 25% of total glass area—75% of the window needs to be open

• Temporary Window Signs may only advertise on-premises activity or community-sponsored / cultural events, not off-premises businesses

• TV’s / Monitors may be allowed, restrictions apply, ask Zoning Administrator


Awning Signs

• Signs are allowed on awnings on the front and sides

• Lettering and graphics must be less than 20 inches in height

• Bottom of awning shall be no lower than eight feet above sidewalk


Questions? Additional regulations and information can be found in the Galena Code of Ordinances under Title XV: Land Usage, Section §154.801—815.

Please inquire with the Zoning Administrator when considering new signs or changes to existing signs at: Phone: 815-777-1050 Email:

Printable sign permit application

Printable version of this information

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