City of Galena


Matt Oldenburg
City Engineer
P 815.777.1050


The City Engineer carries out the policies and programs of public works construction and engineering as established by the Mayor and City Council. The engineer is responsible for presenting annual budget estimates and work programs, coordinating and supervising the preparation of engineering plans, details and estimates of field and office engineering and construction work; preparing studies, reports and recommendations; serving as technical advisor to other departments; representing the city in local and other conferences relating to the public works programs; establishing broad departmental policies for the Engineering Department; grant writing and grant administration; and supervision of the city’s geographic information system (GIS).

The City Engineer maintains an extensive collection of maps and plans for streets, sewer mains, water mains and other public improvements. These plans are available for inspection by contacting the City Engineer. Other useful resources are linked below.

Bid Documents 

Prevailing Wage Rates

Spring Street Project Plans


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