City of Galena


Sustainability: meeting the current environmental, social, and economic needs of our community without compromising the ability of future generations to meet these needs.


overhead view of city of galena

Sustainability in the City of Galena means the city is achieving economic prosperity while protecting the planet’s natural systems, and meeting the needs of the present generation without compromising the opportunities available to future generations. Sustainability becomes a way of organizing and managing the city to create a healthy environment, vigorous economy and vibrant community. Sustainability encourages both public and private organizations to be better stewards of the environment, and in turn create positive economic benefits for residents. Pursuing sustainability will advance Galena’s attractiveness and competitiveness, and improve our overall quality of life.



My Green Galena

city of galena logo

“My Green Galena” is the slogan and associated logo used to identify City of Galena projects and initiatives aimed at enhancing the sustainability of the community. This section highlights examples of projects and initiatives that demonstrate the city’s commitment to being a leader in sustainability.



Sustainability Award

In 2014, the City of Galena was recognized as a leader in sustainability when it received the Governor's Sustainability Award from the Office of the Governor and the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center at the University of Illinois.  The award recognized the city for its demonstrated commitment to the economy, society and environment through outstanding and innovative sustainability practices.  Read more about the award in a feature from the 2014 Illinois Sustainable Technology Center Annual Report titled "One Winner's Story: Tiny Galena Seizes a Place in the Sun with Sustainable Planning, Stewardship".

Mark Moran accepting sustainability award from Illinois governor

thumbnail of solar case study document



Galena Mayor Terry Renner and City Administrator, Mark Moran, accept the 2014 Governor's Sustainability Award from Eric Heineman, Senior Sustainability Policy Adviser, Office of the Governor, and Kevin O'Brien, Director of the Illinois Sustainable Technology Center. On right, article about the City of Galena's sustainability efforts and receiving the Governor's award.

Please use the navigation on the left of the page to explore the City of Galena's "My Green Galena" sustainability efforts.

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