City of Galena

Green Pledge for Businesses Form

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The Green Business Standards presented below define the scope of commitment for a business or public agency striving to become more sustainable.  Each Galena business that pledges to conscientiously work toward the achievement of the standards is recognized by the City of Galena as a My Green Galena “Green Business”. Participation in the Green Business Program is voluntary. There is great flexibility in how the standards can be achieved. 


Green Business Pledge

We believe a successful business is dependent upon a healthy environment. We are actively working to show our environmental responsibility to our community in the City of Galena by committing to the following objectives:

  • To comply with all applicable environmental regulations and strive to exceed compliance

  • To conserve water,  energy, and other natural resources

  • To develop and implement practices that prevent pollution and waste

  • To be an environmentally responsible business within our community

  • To meet the general practices and targeted resource conservation and pollution prevention measures which are summarized below.


General Practices

  1. Track water and energy usage and solid and hazardous waste generation.

  2. Adopt a written environmentally preferable (or green) purchasing policy.

  3. Establish a 'green team' that can help guide efforts to green your business.

  4. Provide three on-going incentives or training opportunities to encourage management and employee participation.

  5. Inform your customers about your efforts to meet the Green Business Standards.

  6. Assist at least one other business in learning about the Green Business Program and encourage them to enroll.


Water Conservation

  1. Monitor water bills for sudden rises in use, and contact the City of Galena should this occur.

  2. Regularly check for, report, and repair leaks.

  3. Install low-flow faucet aerators and shower heads.

  4. Use dry methods for outdoor cleanup.

  5. Install toilets that use 1.6 gallons per flush or less.


Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling

  1. Conduct a waste reduction assessment of solid waste streams. 

  2. Implement solid waste reduction and recycling measures:

    • Reduce waste in various ways, including eliminating use of individual water bottles and Styrofoam, setting printers and copiers to duplex, and taking measures to reduce the amount of junk mail received.

    • Reuse materials wherever possible.

    • Provide containers at convenient locations and recycle cardboard, newspapers, office/mixed papers, glass, metal, and plastics.

    • Purchase paper with at least 30% and paper towels with at least 35% post - consumer content.


Energy Conservation

  1. Conduct regular maintenance on heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration systems at least twice a year.

  2. Save energy in various ways, including installation/use of more energy-efficient light fixtures, task lights, and exit lights.

  3. Turn off lights (and other equipment) when not in use. High utility costs often include paying for energy that is completely wasted.

  4. Replace incandescent light bulbs with ENERGY STAR qualified compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), wherever appropriate. CFLs cost about 75 percent less to operate, and last about 10 times longer.  Consider the use of high-efficiency LED’s.

Pollution Prevention

  1. Conduct an annual assessment of your facility to identify ways to prevent pollution.

  2. Check labels for cleaning products, building maintenance and other materials and seek safer alternatives.

  3. Properly store and recycle or dispose of all hazardous wastes.

  4. Implement pollution prevention measures, including:

    • Ensure only rain enters the storm drain.

    • Keep dumpsters covered.

    • Direct water from outdoor washing of mats and vehicles to sanitary sewer.

    • Reduce chemicals used, including measures such as:

      • Use low-toxic cleaning products such as those that meet Green Seal certification standards.

      • Replace aerosols with pump dispensers, if available.

      • Eliminate products that contain anti-bacterial agents such as Triclosan.

      • Reduce or eliminate use of pesticides by implementing Integrated Pest Management.

    • Reuse or recycle all "Universal Wastes" (fluorescent tubes and bulbs, batteries, and electronics).


Take the Green Pledge

* Indicates a required field
Green Pledge Member Information
General Practices
Track Usages:
Adopt a Green Policy:
Green Team:
Green Employee Incentives:
Inform Customers:
Educate Other Businesses:
Water Conservation
Monitor Water Bills:
Look for Leaks:
Install "Low-flow" Devices:
Dry Cleanup:
Install Efficient Toilets:
Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling
Conduct Waste Reduction Assessment:
Reduction Measure: Consumable Containers:
Reduction Measure: Reuse Materials:
Reduction Measure: Provide Containers:
Reduction Measure: Buy Post-Consumer Products:
Energy Conservation
Conduct Regular Maintenance:
Use Energy Efficient Fixtures:
Turn-off Lights:
Replace Fluorescent Bulbs with CFLs:
Pollution Prevention
Conduct Annual Pollution Assessment:
Check Labels:
Proper Storage & Recycling:
Prevention Measure: Storm Drains:
Prevention Measure: Cover Dumpsters:
Prevention Measure: Outdoor Washing:
Prevention Measure: Reduce Chemicals:
Prevention Measure: Universal Wastes:
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