City of Galena

Where Does My Garbage and Recycling Go?

Recycling Processing

The City of Galena contracts with Montgomery Trucking for curbside recycling service. Recyclables are collected every other week on the same day as your curbside garbage collection. Since all recyclables may be mixed together by residents, dedicated recycling trucks with bins for sorting are no longer used for collection. Recyclables are collected in standard garbage trucks and lightly compacted. Compaction causes only minimum breakage of glass. Garbage and recyclables are not mixed in the trucks.

All recyclables collected at curbside are delivered to the Montgomery Trucking transfer station just outside of Elizabeth, Illinois. To avoid frequent trips by garbage trucks, all recyclables are then hauled by semi tractor and trailer to Dittmer Recycling, Inc. in Dubuque, Iowa. At Dittmer, recyclables are sorted by type and then sold to other processors. Dittmer's highly efficient system successfully sorts and resells 97 percent of materials received.

Montgomery Trucking also collects appliances and other large electronics by appointment and for a fee. These items are delivered by Montgomery Trucking to Moor's Recycling in Kieler, Wisconsin. 


Garbage Processing

The city also contracts with Montgomery Trucking for curbside garbage collection. The same type of garbage trucks are used for garbage collection as for recycling. Garbage is collected on separate routes from recycling and is not mixed in the same trucks. All garbage collected from curbside is delivered to the Montgomery Trucking transfer station in Elizabeth, Illinois. Full semi trailer loads of garbage are hauled from the transfer station to the Upper Rock Island County Landfill, 17201 20th Avenue N., East Moline, IL 61244.

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