City of Galena

Backflow Prevention and Inspection


Federal and State regulations require public potable water supplies to adopt rules to prevent contamination in their water systems.  To comply with these mandates, the Galena City Council has adopted an ordinance, Cross Connection Control, to protect the city’s potable water supply from contaminants back-flowing from a customer’s water system.  Chapter 152 of the Galena Code of Ordinances establishing this program was adopted in 1997.  The ordinance is administered by the Galena Water Department and Galena Building Department.  You may view the ordinance as part of the online code through the link below.

Cross Connection Control Ordinance



Backflow.  The flow of water or other liquids, mixtures or substances into the distribution pipes of a potable water system from any source other than the intended source of the public water supply.

Backflow Prevention Device.  Any approved device, method or type of construction intended to prevent backflow into a potable water system. All devices used for backflow prevention in Illinois must meet the standards of the Illinois Plumbing Code and the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.


Customer Responsibilities

Each water customer has the responsibility to prevent contaminants from entering their system as well as the City water system. This responsibility starts at the point of delivery and includes the customer’s entire water system.  An approved backflow prevention device shall be installed on each water service line to a customer's water system when, in the judgment of the Water Department Superintendent, actual or potential hazards to the public water supply system may exist.  The following are types of businesses where backflow prevention devices are mandatory in Galena:

  • Hospital, mortuaries, clinics, nursing homes

  • Car washes

  • Funeral homes

  • Restaurants and taverns

The owner of each property with a backflow prevention device is required to maintain a tag on each device to accurately log the following:  

  • Date of each test

  • Name and approval number of person performing the inspection or test

  • Test/inspection results

  • Repairs and servicing required

  • Repairs and date completed

  • Service performed and date completed


City Responsibilities

The Supervisor of the Water Department is responsible for enforcing the requirements of the Cross Connection Control ordinance and insuring that all customers of the city water system comply with local ordinances, as well as state and federal mandates.  In order to comply with these rules and regulations the City has established the Backflow Prevention Device Inspection Program.  The program is administered jointly by the City of Galena Water Department and Building Department. 

As part of the program, each device is tested at least annually by the City Plumbing Inspector or a certified inspection firm hired by the city.  Following inspections, the city forwards to the property owner a detailed form with the results of the inspection.  The property owner is responsible for paying $100 for each device inspected. 

Records of all backflow inspections are maintained by the Building Department and are available for inspection. 

Questions about the Backflow Prevention Device Inspection Program may be directed to the Building Official at 815.777.1050 or  


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