For the safety of all, pool patrons are expected to abide by these rules. Failure to do so may result in the patron being expelled from the premises and future admission refused.
Kiddie Pool—only children under the age of 7 are allowed in the kiddie pool area. All children in this area must be accompanied by a responsible adult, parent, or guardian.
Children under the age of 8 years old may not be left alone at the pool. Anyone under the age of eight must be supervised by a responsible babysitter, guardian, or adult over the age of twelve.
Responsible, young people age 12 or older may accompany a younger child under the age of 8.
All children with water wings or life jackets must be accompanied by an adult at all times while in the water.
If you have been exposed to COVID-19 or are otherwise ill, and especially if you have diarrhea or are nauseous, you should not be using this facility.
No open, oozing, or contagious skin conditions are allowed in the water. This includes chicken pox, measles, and some skin rashes.
Rest periods are every 50 minutes and last for 10 minutes. Anyone 19 years or older may swim at this time. No children are allowed in or near the water or on the water slide or drop slide during rest period.
Profane language and/or disrespect of fellow patrons or staff will not be tolerated.
No running allowed anywhere within the facility.
No flips or back dives from the sides of the pool.
Diving is only allowed in the 12-foot diving area only.
No throwing, dunking, riding upon, or splashing of others.
No cell phone use in the locker rooms.
No gum allowed.
Hair that is longer than shoulder length should be in a hair tie. Long hair clogs pool filters.
No glass containers of any kind permitted within the facility.
No alcohol of any kind permitted within the facility. If patrons are suspected to be under the influence, they will be escorted out or refused admission. Police will be called if necessary.
No carry in food or beverages allowed.
Food must be consumed in the concession courtyard. Under no circumstances is there to be food or beverages taken in the water. Any debris or trash needs to be cleaned up immediately.