City of Galena

Senior Discount Application for Water/Sewer

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Program Summary: 

The City of Galena offers a discount on monthly water and sewer bills for persons age 65 or older who have limited personal income. 

Who can apply? 

Homeowners and tenants (whose lease holds them responsible for paying the water bill), can apply each year for the discount if they meet the following criteria: 

  1. The applicant must be a City of Galena resident who receives a water/sewer bill directly  from the City. 
  2. The principal resident must be age 65 or older. 
  3. The combined gross household income must be at or below 150% of the federally  established poverty level (for 2022: $20,358 for a one‐person household or $27,465 for a  two‐person household). 
  4. The applicant must certify that he/she is the property owner‐of‐record with the Jo Daviess County Assessor’s office, of provide a lease showing his/her responsibility for paying water/sewer charges at that property. 
  5. The applicant must be in good standing with the City of Galena utility department and have a zero balance without penalties in order to be eligible for the discount. 

What is the discount? 

Those who qualify receive a $10.00 discount on their combined water and sewer bill each month.  This equates to a discount of approximately 25% for a typical monthly bill.  How can I apply?  An applicant is attached to this document or is available at Galena City Hall.  Please Note: Only one water bill account per household is eligible to receive this discount. 


In order to prove eligibility, you will need to submit the following along with your application: 

  1. Proof of age (copy of Illinois Driver’s License or birth certificate). 
  2. Proof of property ownership or lease agreement showing that the tenant is responsible for water/sewer charges. 
  3. Proof of all income for the household as verified by the most current Federal Income Tax return.
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