City of Galena

Itinerant Merchant & Itinerant Vendor Application

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Event Information

Itinerant Merchant: Any person who is engaged temporarily in the sale of goods, wares or merchandise, either in new or used, who, for the purpose of conduction such business, occupies or uses any convention center or any other location within the municipal limits for periods of fewer than five days at a single location to display or sell such goods. Exceptions to this are individuals conducting not more than two garage sales per year on private residential property. 

Itinerant Vendor: Any person who transports tangible personal property for display or sale at a convention center or any other location within the municipal limits who does not maintain an established office, distribution house, sales house, warehouse, service center or residence from which the business is conducted. 

Please note: 1. Permit can only be issued in connection with sales offered as a part of a dully licensed fair, festival, or flea market. 

2. The agent of the duly licensed fair, festival, or flea market event shall provide the City Clerk with the completed applications and forms of each vendor which participates in the event at least ten (10) days prior to said event. License fee shall be paid by the itinerant vendor or itinerant merchant at the time of the application. Applications without all required information will not be processed. 

3. If the application is a partnership, each partner, principal, or member thereof both individuals must complete the application. If the application is a corporation, the application shall contain the information for principal officer and the registered agent thereof. If more room is needed, use separate sheet of the reverse side of this application. 

4. The fee for an Itinerant Merchant or Vendor License shall be twenty‐five dollars ($25.00). A license  shall not be valid for more than seventy‐two (72) hours. 

5. Out‐of‐State Businesses or Non‐Licensed Illinois Business:  All Out‐of‐State or Non‐Licensed Illinois Businesses will be required to submit a Special Event Tax Collection Report and Payment Coupon (Form IDOR‐6‐SETR) within ten (10) days of the close of the event to the Illinois Department of Revenue, Collection Bureau, PO Box 19035, Springfield, IL 62794‐9035.  This form will be provided to you by your event sponsor.  Any questions with regard to this form or submission of the tax should be directed to or by calling 1.847.294.4475.   

6. Illinois Licensed Business:  If you are an Illinois licensed business and have a current Illinois Business Tax Number and have added Galena, Illinois as one of your listed changing locations, you are not required to submit the IDOR‐6‐SETR form.  If you would like to add Galena as a changing location, please contact the Special Events Coordinator at or by calling 1.847.294.4475 and they will assist you in adding this to your registration at no charge to you.   

7. Each vendor shall post in a conspicuous location at the vendor’s location booth the license issued by the City of Galena for said vendor to participate in the duly licensed fair, festival, or flea market. This license shall be posted throughout the duration of the event for which the license was obtained. 

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